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A Family
Indispensable element of society is a social group as a family.

Family - a small group, developing and functioning according to its laws. It depends on the society, the existing political system, economic, social and religious relations. And while the family - a relatively independent unit of society.

Marriage is the beginning and the nucleus of the family. The nature of the marital relationship depends primarily on what motives led to the conclusion of the marriage. Impact on the family of the economic basis of society and all social life is largely carried out through the motives and mediated by them. If a marriage, many scholars define as authorized by the society socially and personally expedient stable form of sexual relations, the family - a small social group, based on a single obschesemeynoy activities associated with the bonds of marriage - parenting - kinship.

Although the foundation of the family of a married couple, but there are families who live under one roof, leading to a farm, raising children, but their marriage was not legally issued. There is a single-parent families where no parent or both parents. There are nuclear families (living with parents and children) and extended (couple, children, parents of one spouse: grandfather, grandmother). Thus, in the present family we see relics of the past century-old family relations, and sprouts future family.

With the development of society changes marriage and family. Lawmakers, experts on family and marital relations are increasingly recognizing the need for the contractual basis of marriage. Such a marriage - a voluntary union between a man and a woman, in which both sides should have equal rights. Perhaps it will be in a legal state, which he dreamed yet Immanuel Kant. On this occasion he said that the ideal state of society - is the rule of law and legal relations between states to ensure world peace. Peace must reign in every family at the expense of compliance, not only moral but also legal norms.

The family has a number of functions that provide vital functions of society. The most important of them, according to most experts, are reproductive, educational, economic, economic and recreational.
Reproductive function

The first function (reproductive) - is a reproduction of their kind. To the human race has not ceased to exist, society can not become a home for the elderly, the level of the population has not decreased, it is necessary that every Russian family has been at least 2-3 children. The socio-demographic situation in Russia is of great concern for its future. Population aging is not only disastrous, but it just dies out. Society feels the pressure of a severe political and economic problems. The impoverishment of the people, a sharp decline in living standards, structural processes of industrial restructuring and the associated induced release of human resources, loss of earnings and prestige of the profession - these and many other hardships of today's real life are a heavy burden on society and the family as his cell.

The problems of modern society, limiting childbearing, and may include early marriage, constitute a category of risk, and give half of all divorces. While in Europe the age of consent is 28 years in Japan - 30-33 years old, then we strip down to 18. Nearly 24 years young people - dependents, and, in fact, 18-year-old wife are dependents up to age 40. Early marriage, with rare exception does not give them the opportunity to complete their education, get a profession and, accordingly, denies the chance to take a more prestigious and highly paid position. Lack of money, the problem with housing, unwanted pregnancy and childbirth - it all adds precarious situation of young families, which leads to divorce. Known alarming statistics of divorce in our country is now divided half of young families in the first year, two-thirds - in the first five years, 70% of families are not broken after five years of life, the couple are in a tense relationship.

The other side of fertility problems - born out of wedlock. Now, every third child born in Russia, out of wedlock, and in the age group of mothers in the 16-18 years - almost half. Most of these babies straight from maternity leave in the baby at home, as mother of them simply refuse. And that's not the most disturbing. If 10-15 years ago, the birth of a sick child was an exception to the rule, but now this exception applies to a healthy baby. There is a growing pathological burden primarily congenital mental retardation.

In connection with the above and other difficulties, almost 20% of the spouses do not want to have children. Most often this occurs in the families of intellectuals. Also, fertility varies by region of the country. Depopulation encompassed almost 70 regions of Russia. Prospects for overcoming this barrier has not yet seen. The situation of women workers, especially single mothers is that it is not easy to feed at least one child and a woman - the unemployed and most survive on unemployment benefits is almost impossible. In fact the family to a minimum limit reproductive function. Especially in large cities.

Management clearly understands the importance and urgency of solving this problem for the modern Russian society. Therefore, assistance to the family - one of the key tasks.
Educational function

The educational function of the family can not be replaced by any other institution. In the opinion of Aristotle, "the family is the first form of communication" and the most important element of government, where the happy life must be built in accordance with virtue and the laws of marriage, providing the birth of healthy children, prescribes ways of educating future citizens.

However, the educational role of the family decreases. The reasons for this phenomenon we have identified. In addition, the reduction of the educational role of the family due to the changes occurring in it. In the modern family is formally equal to spouses. But most of the trouble is actually a woman, including the education of children. There is a lot of pluses and minuses. Often there are families where the children are simply given the street to themselves or seeking to do business washing cars, collecting bottles and so on, forgetting about studying in school.
Sociologists have called several types of family education:
detotsentrizm family is expressed in excessive adoration of his child, especially when a child. From such a child often grows up selfish, not adapted to practical life, man;
Professionalism - the parents shift the care of education in kindergartens, schools and colleges. The future of such a child can grow cool young man, devoid of affection for parents, elders;
pragmatism - all training is aimed at the formation of such qualities as to be able to live, see the first material gain.

The objective conditions prevailing in today's Russia, promoted spiritual values, contribute to education of this type of personality. Propagation, individualism may help the war of each against all.

Very extensive domestic and economic function of the family. It includes a wide range of family relationships: household management, budgeting, organization of consumption and leisure, etc., of great importance in the organization of family and household consumption. It not only met, but partly also formed the material needs of man, created and maintained by certain household traditions, by mutual assistance in housekeeping.
Restoring the function

Important for every human life (big or small) is a recreational (replacement), the function of the family. As discussed in "Domostroi" to the family "in heaven go." Experts say that a good family - is half the success in career, business, education, etc. We live in a race for leader. Americans do not say nothing to stand in place, you need to quickly escape. They run everything. And so every day to overcome this marathon, you have to be in good shape. The shape is restored and maintained in a good family. It should be a place of rest and inspiration, confidence, usefulness to a close a very important person for the adventurous feeling of psychological comfort, maintain a high vitality.

Recreational function of the family appears more effective than the higher culture of family relations. Here we go for another aspect of the problem - the culture of family life as part of the culture (spiritual, moral, etc.) of the company. In this sphere of society, as in many others, we can see, if not regress, the stagnation. The total "barbarization" morals are very painful impact on the family. Increased negative trends in its functioning. An increasing number of divorces and disadvantaged children. In 2008, Russia broke up about 950 thousand families. More than 700,000 children were left without a parent. The reasons are very many: and the economic independence of women, and the impact of urbanization, and with it the rise of social anonymity, and scientific and technological revolution and its impact on the intensification of work, particularly associated with the conveyor, or deep-tech manufacturing, the causes of socio-economic, cultural, ethnic, religious nature.
Interpersonal relationships of spouses in the family

One of the most important indicators of the quality of the marriage - the level and quality of interpersonal relations of the spouses.
The scale of interpersonal relationships can be represented as follows:
Dominance. Relationship to other things or as a means of achieving their goals, ignoring their interests and intentions. Open without disguise, mandatory action (against violence, repression to the imposing).
Manipulation. Striving to achieve its produced with an eye to effect. Covert action: a provocation, deception, intrigue, a hint.
Rivalry. Allows for recognition of the impact, but the goals are usually hidden. Taken into account the interests of another, to the extent to which it is dictated by the task of combating it. The funds - temporary tactical agreement.
Partnership. Relation to the other as an equal, which must be considered to be based on the contract, which is a union and a means and a means of exerting pressure.
Commonwealth. Relation to another as a value in itself. The desire to unite, work together to achieve similar goals.

The main tool of interaction is not a contract and agreement.

To the family was prosperous, the behavior of one spouse in his family did not contradict the role of ideas of another, views on marriage, women and men must either be or become compliant. "Fit" of representations, the elimination of potential conflict is not always done well in the initial stage of role adaptation of the spouses.

The overall motivation of the marriage consists of four major motive, if you focus on in their expectations: Union of household, ie, sincerely believing that the main thing in the family - a well-established way of life, higher wages, bank account that allows for a well-secured, or normal (as of) life, and on the moral and psychological union, wanting to find a true friend and partner in life, well understands it is his (her) that can be there in joy and in trouble at work, on family-parent union, believing that main function of the family - the birth and upbringing of children in the intimate personal union, the main purpose of seeing him in the inexhaustible mutual love.

Well, if the idea of ​​this couple from the beginning coincided. Otherwise, family conflicts are inevitable, especially in acute and crucial, critical periods of family life, when exposed and face often unconscious, not previously identified contradictions in the expectations of the spouses, their mutual claims.

The need for moral and psychological adaptation of spouses to each other, not perceptible at first intoxication of hot and blind love, the importance of combining philosophies, ideals, interests, values, attitudes, and personality and character traits, remind yourself later in life. Husband and wife should have a lot in common. Mutual agreement between husband and wife must exceed a medium level, without which the common life of the spouses is either short or completely damaged.

Intimate and personal adaptation of the spouses is to achieve the physiological and moral-psychological satisfaction to each other in intimate relationships. Hard on the programming of some extremely energetic sex life is not obligatory.

Adjusting to family life requires adaptation to the new couple and for them the status of husband and wife, to the related roles, as well as images of harmonization of behavior outside the family, and the inclusion of spouses in terms of mutual kinship with the mother, father-in-law, etc.

What is the difference from the unharmonious family friendly? First of all, the degree of vzaimoprisposobleniya spouses. In the close-knit family gradually come closer to their needs, interests, desires and intentions. Interests are the interests of the husband of his wife, and vice versa. In conflict-ridden marriage of the two extreme autonomy 'I' remains. Needs, desires and intentions of both spouses are often opposed, and the processes of rapprochement between the two "I", vzaimootozhdestvleniya husband and wife are very slow. When the love between spouses is gradually fading, does not become a strong marital friendship, mutual understanding is not established, mutual psychological support, increasing isolation and alienation. Sometimes, often lost mutual respect, there is a mismatch of aspirations in the field of home affairs and accumulate negative feelings and emotions in relation to each other, which are significantly higher than positive emotions. Sometimes, especially for young couples that grows nepozitivnaya special kind of adaptation. The gist of it - in excessive addiction of spouses to each other and loss of the necessary distance, modesty, conjugal love oblivion.

A complicating factor may be a difference in intellectual development, in education and culture. In the first years of marriage is not so keenly felt by young couple, passionate physical love, sexual satisfaction and sexual harmony. Subsequently, the difference, if not smoothed out, will interfere. However, the marriage with a difference in intellectual development can be strong if there is a good material and financial basis, and developed relationships with each other, they both love children, etc.

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