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The End Of The World
End of the world, perhaps, is the most popular topic in recent years that discuss the media. It does not matter for what reason are these interpretations: it may just all boring, and speak no more about, and perhaps all connected with the new millennium, what lies ahead is not clear. If you look back at the history of mankind, it is easy to find dates that were supposed to be the last to people, they usually are associated with the termination and entry into the new millennium.

Let's imagine that forecasters were right, and all of us will inevitably be the end of the world, then the question arises as to what awaits us, from which all will die? Answer set, opinions diverged: people repeat different, and scientists also did not find consensus among themselves.
Let's see what options the end of the world is the most popular.
A. Poor environment, the melting ice of the poles of cold, as a result of all this - global warming. The greenhouse effect is not a myth, but the harsh reality is, if it goes on, very quickly, faster than many people think we are waiting for the deluge. Can you imagine that the third part of the whole land, according to the scientists minds, will be under water. Die a lot of plants, animals, and all the people just do not have enough space on such a small amount of land.

Two. Back in school we were all in the geography class that the ozone layer, which saves us from the radiation coming from space, is negligible, but, despite this, humanity is persistently uses all that destroys it. Holes in the ozone layer grow with relentless speed. What happens if it does not become? End of the world for all of us, the radiation of the sun will kill all living things.

Three. Falling to Earth celestial body (asteroid) - the most common variant of the end of the world. What killed the dinosaurs? Many believe that the fall of the meteorite. So we could expect the same end. Centuries will pass, and maybe we will be showing off the remains in a museum. Or perhaps a different outcome: a meeting with an object from space will be fatal for the planet, explosion, and the whole earth will be smashed to pieces, it will carry away pieces of the new planets, and they will be companions to her.

4. End of the world - in the truest sense of the word, simply turn off the sun. Filmed a movie recently picked up this idea on board. Yes, Sun is cool, but to scientists it does not come to pass sooner than ten billion years. Do you think we'll still be there in that era?

Five. Attack of the aliens. This end of the world order become boring: movies, fiction stories. They have more than enough. And, that's interesting will happen if the Earth's capture of extraterrestrial intelligence? While it is impossible to argue that we have not yet found living beings in the cosmos.

6. Man will destroy himself, and along with the planet. Is not it true that it is this version, no matter how what the other looks very plausible. Enough to listen to or read a summary of news: a terrorist attack here and there, an armed attack and to the close of the war. And what weapons will go to the first move, of course nuclear. If you start a nuclear war, then our world will turn into a solid Chernobyl.

7. The Apocalypse will bring to the earth, drowning in sin, no one other than the Dark Prince. Or there will be a terrible judgment of God, in these versions of religious faith, pious people.

Eight. Artificial intelligence will destroy all life. Sound familiar? Yes, the plot is well-known film can become a reality, look at the development of HiTech. It becomes clear that not far away and such a development, which shows us a blockbuster, with the only difference being that the end of the world will be a reality.

9. Inversion of the Earth's magnetic poles will change the direction of rotation of our planet and to the disappearance of the Earth's magnetosphere. Because of this, the Earth was bombarded with cosmic rays, which destroy all life on the planet.

10. A huge cloud of ash and dust into the atmosphere can be caused by a monstrous scale volcanic eruption and the reason for the offensive end of the world in late 2012. Because of its high density is a risk that the sun's rays can not get through to the surface of the earth that will be the beginning of "nuclear winter."

11. End of the world is possible due to the displacement center of the Earth, the solar system and galaxy, which can line up on one line. The result of this shift can be a strengthening of centers of gravitational and electromagnetic interactions of the solar radiation of the galactic gravitational lensing. The impact on our planet (its magnetic and gravitational fields) beam, which may arise as a result of these changes is unknown. All the more realistic approximation in 2012, many feel its detrimental effect on our planet. Perhaps it is not supported by the study of this phenomenon at the moment.

Continue the enumeration of all possible scenarios, which might break out end of the world can be a very long time, how many people, so many opinions.

Must draw the correct conclusions to all mankind, because so much depends on us. If you can, why not stop ruining the ecology of the Earth, not start wars to control their inventions. Care attitude will lead to a disastrous end.

Scientists say that the end of the world may come very soon.
How many years have enough sun?
 Those who believe that the Sun, Earth, moon, air, and everything that exists was created by God, honestly believe that all this was created so that there was life on the blue planet, which must be maintained.

Human existence in this vast space is still considered to be unique, we are the center of all the universe. Are we right? Is the truth and only Earth has life? How many destined by fate to live all of us and our planet? The set of predictors, soothsayers, astrologers would find the answers to these questions. If we consider the predictions made by the end of the world, he has not once had to come. These prophecies, most of them, not scientifically valid, they rely on speculation and conjecture. Let us discard it and try, nevertheless, to resort to science.

Consider all the cosmic objects and bodies, they have a beginning, and, respectively, and its end, what had once been born to die, sooner or later, this applies to everything, even our Earth. The solar system was born about 4.5-5 billion years ago, and when it is destined to come to its final line when waiting for the end of the world? Astronomers have deduced the sequence of some earthly death, or rather, what events will occur before the apocalypse.

End of the world from an unprecedented cataclysm
 The whole history of our cosmic home is woven from disasters, end of the world for its inhabitants advancing more than once. I recall all the same poor dinosaurs perished 65 million years ago, Pompeii, destroyed by Mount Vesuvius in 79 BC, and 1.7 million years ago, flora and fauna of most regions of the earth has ceased to exist due to the glacial period.

 If you think about all this, it becomes clear that the end of the world, which is described in the Bible as the deluge, is not so fantastic. But the trouble is, the Great Book has no dates, places and circumstances of an accomplishment than causing violent fantasies soothsayers, astrologers and scientists. Global eruption? This is the Bible? Just listen: the day will come when God comes to Earth, the great fire of heaven will open wide, will be burned every living thing. Desert will land. Time flies, the alternate for centuries, millennia, and the end of the world everything is transferred to the next. The truth is, our modern equipment can not 100% accurately determine the eruption will be, and where this occurs, at which point the planet will arise tsunami. It turns out that the more likely global cataclysm occurs suddenly and sweep away everything in its path, and we are simply not have time, or what to take to protect themselves. When it is negative for us, a natural phenomenon - nobody knows. A comforting only that such a global phenomenon occurring one after the other only after millions of years.

Will our oxygen?
 The scientists of the last century unfolded his views on the problem of oxygen. In the calculations carried out it turned out that if you do not reduce the rate of pollution of our environment, the oxygen we breathe to end in about three centuries, and the people and animals simply suffocate. This end of the world may be true, as is well justified given problem and the mathematical calculations and logic. Three tons of oxygen needed to burn just one ton of fuel. Per square inch has 6.75 pounds of air column, in the amount of Earth's oxygen has a weight of 1 020 billion tons. Its enough to burn the fuel, weighing 340 billion tons. Humanity has every year burns coal, about 600 million tons, burning wood, burnt and used petroleum products and other fossil fuels. If all this add up, it comes out to about 1 billion tons. Even the eye can estimate that the oxygen at this rate will end soon enough, after about 340 years. Lord Kelvin, the famous American scientist, and predicted that a person ceases to be independent of the air. More will come a time when the oxygen will procure for the future by pumping it into large tanks, and each family will be allocated a ration of air evenly, so that only the vital functions may be supported by the body. Fishers of Pearls - that's how it will be possible to characterize a society. Swallowed air and do not breathe as long as the cells of your organs are not expended every last drop, again, a breath of air and again under the water. In the morgues at the opening will conclude in the future society: death was caused by oxygen starvation. If you do not have money, then you do not have air. Dismal end of the world turns.

 But it is worth noting that at the beginning of last century, scientists were limited knowledge, they still did not know that the earth itself also has reserves of oxygen, so the problem somewhat exaggerated. Our technologies have reached what may, if necessary, start to generate oxygen from water using electrolysis. Urgent need for this for a long time did not come, but on one condition, if our algae, plants, forests will produce enough of us to the desired gas. An adult, if he is not busy with heavy physical labor, consumes oxygen for their years of approximately 300 pounds. Even if we use the old calculations, and to base the amount of air the weight of the scientists, it turns out that the available oxygen without the generation, will be sufficient to ensure the life of 3 400 000 000 000 people, while at the present time, we are approximately 6 billion.

The vagaries of nature and the end of the world
 A great variety of flora and fauna have disappeared from the face of our planet and continue to disappear. I wonder, can a man expect to end this? Knowing the law and the vagaries of our nature, it is safe to say that she does not like repetition, if we are destined to disappear, and then we will not appear again. And the king in the animal world it is difficult to name just a man, too many have examples where the less developed people being left helpless in front of their deeds. In the 19th century in Africa there was a mass migration of formic acid. These insects are swept away everything in its path, the route of the journey is not spared any one village. It would seem so small bukashechki can not cause serious harm, but no, together, they represent too much risk. And all the familiar locusts, after raids on the fields have no choice. Humanity is struggling with it for more than a century, but until the victory is on the side of the insects. If they disappeared animals that feed on it, the end of the world may come from hunger, as all plants will be destroyed. The natural balance is easily upset, but it is very difficult to recover. For example: the rivers of Florida have been planted by people hyacinths, they grew so that swim there just is not possible, have brought considerable damage to the rabbits, which were brought to Australia, people are often remembered and regretted the fact that once killed all the pigeons in several cities Europe.

Microbes - the invisible killer of people
 Assume that the monsters that live in water and on land, we are not afraid, and we can easily cope with them, but how to deal with the invisible, which give way, hundreds of people how to cope with microbes? They are the most undemanding creatures that can live anywhere, with great speed, they conquered the entire planet, and the end of the world human era will come quickly. The worst thing is that the evolution of organisms evolving rapidly, adapting to environments where there is no air to high temperatures. Our scientists have several thousands of these tiny monsters. Bacillus influenza, typhoid fever, plague, cholera and other diseases under conditions favorable for life begin to flourish, bringing an epidemic. In the history of humanity can find many examples where entire civilizations disappeared, which could not cope with small bacteria. But science is not static, technology and knowledge in medicine was given the opportunity to actively fight the germs. In turn, not asleep, and micro-organisms, they are subject to mutation and are adapted to living in symbiosis with those substances, which were intended for their destruction. Bacterial species is more: now you can hear not only a simple flu, but also about avian or swine. Modern scientists still can not cope with the rate of evolution of disease.

End of the world from nuclear war
End of the world may come from a nuclear war. If a third world war will come, then it will include all the country to a united, not as a war of the 40s, the 50s of last century. It will end the destruction of the entire human civilization.

What will be the end of the world is not yet clear, but it is certain that our society simply can not cope, could not stave off the disaster. Humanity has stepped far forward, technological progress does not stand still, but it is negligibly weak to cope with disasters that occur on the planet itself, to say nothing about the anomalies, which are located in space, far away and not have to go, the Sun can not cope .

End of the world, his predictions are inherently empty sounds, may be enough to throw into the air the words, but rather will make sure to secure protection and prolong the days of living humanity on planet Earth?

We invite you to read most sensational predictions of 2008 - 2010 period in which there are doom date:
Team of scientists from Britain, a number of studies were conducted Bible, they calculated that in 2008, March 21 will be the beginning of Armageddon, that in the coming war will involve all the countries of the world.

During the war all the same in 2008, Ronald Veynland, predicted the destruction of the United States of America.

The world would end in 2008 due to a nuclear war, such predictions are owned by Billy Kharga. President of the Southern states would kill activists, America overwhelm wave disturbances resulting from Iraq will be withdrawn by the armed forces. In turn, this country will zachinschitsey in the war, which will use nuclear weapons. Mankind will perish.

An anonymous prophet appointed date when the end of the world, in 2009, namely on February 13. He was based in their statements on several aspects: Friday 13th, Zeus was born on this day, on February 13 said in the prophecies of the Gospel of Thomas, Unix - the operating system has a time stamp, which falls on 23:31:30 2009 February 13.

Astronomer John Datchmen, who works at the observatory Mount Wilson, said that he estimated the world would end due to the fact that in 2009 29 August cloud that surrounds our planetary system, to visit some small star. In the cloud of comets originate Horta, who, under the pressure of the gravitational field of a guest to pluck from their orbits, and at full speed rush to the solar system. This armada will be the celestial bodies of various sizes, from hundreds of meters to thousands of kilometers.

Thomas Chase, who based his prophecy on the revelations of St. John the Evangelist, predicted that the world would end in 2010, from August to November. Particularly, he noted a date - Sept. 9. That's when the New Year begins with the Jews.

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